A few weeks ago Zak's dad was at church and took this picture. I had to show it to everyone because it's so beautiful. *I haven't edited this picture. This is all God's work*
So, yesterday I was out walking Maggie in front of our apartment and I heard some cows mooing. I looked over at a field that is next door to us and saw a bunch of cows grazing! Now, I have seen cows before but this part of the field is usually empty and I was so excited to see them so close to our apartment. I had to run and get the camera and take some pictures of our furry neighbors...
... I got a little nervous after this picture because they were all just staring at me and it wasn't like that fence would have done me much good!
For years my blog has looked the same and it needed a major update. If anyone is interested, I got it at www.thecutestblogontheblock.com. Yeah, it is a mouth full but they have great layouts. Hope everyone likes it.