Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day Fifteen: Kissing & Day Sixteen: Together

I had planned on combining day fifteen and day sixteen of the Joy of Love. Day fifteen was all about kissing and capturing you kissing your loved one or your kids kissing your husband, kids kissing each other, dog kissing kids, etc. Day sixteen was about taking a picture with your loved one. We had to use a tripod and self timer for this one. So, I thought I would take a picture of me kissing Zak while using the tripod and self timer...I know, genius right? Well, you can see in my picture we are not kissing. I tried it by kissing Zak on the cheek but I felt cheesy and it looked cheesy. So I'm going with this. Me looking at Zak laughing (with him) knowing that I'm not kissing him. If you don't know the background of this picture and know how many I took before this was achieved you might find this cute. Hopefully you still will...I do but I'm biased.

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